Re: What are most convincing anti-Christian tracts?

From: David Campbell (
Date: Wed Mar 01 2000 - 10:45:58 EST

  • Next message: George Murphy: "Re: What are most convincing anti-Christian tracts?"

    >What books, articles tracts against Christianity do the people on the
    >list find to be most convincing? This need not, of course, involve
    >science (and in my opinion won't).

    I believe the most effective argument against Christianity, as far as
    effectiveness at keeping people away, is that it requires submission to
    God's will. However, that reply could be ruled out as inherent in any
    rejection of Christianity.

    If all I knew of Christianity were YEC claims and I had a decent knowledge
    of astronomy, geology, paleontology, or evolutionary biology, then YEC,
    atheistic, agnostic, or deistic accounts of YEC claims would probably be
    sufficient to keep me away.

    Claims that the Biblical accounts are historically inaccurate seem to have
    wide popularity, but suffer from grave historical inaccuracies themselves.
    I have a Muslim pamphlet that takes up liberal (for want of a better word)
    theological claims that Christianity is based on Paul distorting the
    teachings of Jesus. If they have to resort to echoing modern biblical
    criticism, it seems that those responsible for the tract have either not
    tried very hard to come up with rebuttals to Biblical claims or else have
    not succeded very well.

    I am probably not very representative of the general public in
    decision-making, however; at least advertisers must not think I am

    David C.

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