
From: Anna Mae Bush (
Date: Mon Feb 28 2000 - 11:00:42 EST

  • Next message: John W. Burgeson: "Post holes"

    "Design, Self-Organization, and the Integrity of Creation" is the title
    of a seminar being led by Dr. William Dembski (Director, Michael Polanyi
    Center, Baylor University and Senior Fellow at the Center for the
    Renewal of Science and Culture, Discovery Institute) June 19 - July 28,
    2000. Participation open to faculty members with earned PhD at North
    American liberal arts colleges and research universities. Application
    deadline is March 15, 2000. Seminar is funded by the Fieldstead
    Institute and hosted at Calvin College. Participants will receive
    stipend of $2500, free housing (families included), weekday lunches, and
    a limited travel allowance. Participants must work on individual
    research projects related to the seminar topic, and return for a
    follow-up spring conference in 2001. Seminar speakers will include
    those who defend as well as those who oppose design theory. Room for
    twelve participants. For more details, look up course description and
    find application on the web at or
    contact the seminar coordinator, Anna Mae Bush, at 616-957-8558.

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b29 : Mon Feb 28 2000 - 11:01:15 EST