More on humanness

From: Moorad Alexanian (
Date: Mon Feb 14 2000 - 09:02:00 EST

  • Next message: David Campbell: "Re: the "image of God""

    Dear Burgy,

    I do not think ascribing human actions to those of animals makes them akin
    to us. I suppose it is a question of assumptions, since we cannot
    communicate with animals, that animals cannot reason nor conceptualize
    "non-existing," abstract objects or beings. We cannot say that a cat smiles,
    or lioness love their cubs. I think that animals are sophisticated
    computers, we are not!

    Take care,


    >From: IN%"" "John W. Burgeson" 12-FEB-2000
    >To: IN%""
    >Subj: More on humanness

    >Original-recipient: rfc822;
    >Moorad wrote: "Moral decisions is what distinguish man from beasts and
    >things. Your actions either glorify God or not. There seems to be no
    >middle ground."
    >OK, let me, for the sake of argument, accept that.
    >Does that make a dog who rescues his master from a burning building
    >(surely a "good" moral decision) part human?
    >How about the elephant (see WHEN ELEPHANTS WEEP) who rescued a baby hippo
    >(a different species) from a mudhole, even though the baby hippo's mother
    >tried to interfere?
    >Sorry -- I can't see enough to make a clear man-beast distinction here.
    > Burgy
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