Re: Trying again

From: glenn morton (
Date: Wed Feb 09 2000 - 16:28:08 EST

  • Next message: Dick Fischer: "Re: Trying again"

    At 08:45 PM 2/9/00 -0500, George Murphy wrote:
    >I would suggest that the
    >indications we have of Neanderthal &c religious practices which Glenn M.
    e.g., has
    >detailed suggest, not human beings in the "state of integrity" but those
    in which the
    >imago is damaged & distorted. What is restored in Christ is faith in the
    true God,
    >& its absence is shown by faith in false gods.

    I would agree and just remind people that there is an aparent religious
    altar built by H. erectus as well at Bilzingsleben, Germany dating 400 kyr

    > Now whether or not my interpretation of that particular set of data is
    >or not can be debated. But my general point is that unless the imago dei
    has some
    >consequences which can be discerned by observation _and theological
    analysis_ then it's
    >not a very helpful concept for theological anthropology. If all we can
    say is that
    >creatures who are genuinely human differ from other hominids by virtue of
    the imago dei,
    >& the imago dei is what makes creatures human, then we haven't said anything.
    > Shalom,
    > George
    >George L. Murphy

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