Re: almost life

From: Massie (
Date: Mon Jan 24 2000 - 23:04:24 EST

  • Next message: glenn morton: "Re: almost life"

    glenn morton wrote:
    > At 06:42 PM 1/24/00 -0800, Arthur V. Chadwick wrote:
    > >At 10:05 PM 01/22/2000 +0000, Glenn wrote:
    > >>Over last weekend I finished reading THe Fifth Miracle by Paul Davies. It
    > >>is a fascinating, popular level account of the search for the origin of
    > >>life. He reports some fascinating information about RNA research which
    > >>comes very close to creating life in the testtube. I will quote him at
    > >length.
    > >
    > >This is a good example of what haoppens whe a physicist starts talking
    > >about molecular biology. He doesn't have a clue.
    > Give evidence not opinion. :-)
    > glenn
    > Foundation, Fall and Flood
    > Adam, Apes and Anthropology
    > Lots of information on creation/evolution
    Is it true that Davies is an example of a physicist gone mad? Obviously
    this is a real problem and fortunately someone here is letting us in on
    this tradegy.

    Would it not be so nice to simply dismiss critics by asserting that they
    simply don't know what they are saying because one says that in ones
    opinion that they are not sufficiently or properly educated.

    A good example would be Albert E since he was simply a patent examiner
    without a bid deal education.

    Perhaps you would like to publish a list of who is properly educated to
    speak as to what subject so the rest of us can get into proper thinking.

    Bert M.

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