Re: almost life

From: glenn morton (
Date: Sun Jan 23 2000 - 09:24:52 EST

  • Next message: Allen & Diane Roy: "More Analysis"

    At 09:20 PM 1/22/00 -0800, Lawrence Johnston wrote:
    >Glenn and ASAYERS:
    >Thanks Glenn for that good report on Paul Davies' book _The 5th Miracle_.
    >Those are fascinating experiments. It seems quite likely to me that we
    >be able before too long to piece together living cells, most likely at first
    >using biologically derived components. But why shouldn't we be able
    >to put together proteins, and DNA chains and a cell membrane, and make a
    >designer cell "from scratch"? If an intelligent biochemist is able to do
    >in the future, it will be one more example of "Intelligent Design" at work,

    Without a doubt God designed this universe, and without a doubt, God used
    chance as part of his design program. In those experiments, the human
    didn't specify the RNA sequence which arose in the test tube. In that
    sense, the RNA was not designed even though the experimemt was. The RNA was
    selected for its properties via chance mutation. So, if mankind is able
    someday to create life, it will be both a product of design (as defined by
    the experimental design) and chance (as needed to search the huge sequence
    space of the RNA). It will happen with pure, apriori specification of the
    RNA sequence which is what most people want to define as 'intelligent

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