Re: Volunteers for science/faith email interviews

From: Bill Payne (
Date: Tue Jan 18 2000 - 22:16:51 EST

  • Next message: Vandergraaf, Chuck: "RE: Biogeography Question"

    OK, count me in.

    Bill Payne

    On Tue, 18 Jan 2000 10:47:40 -0500 "Ted Davis" <>
    >A couple of times in the past, students in my senior science capstone
    >have had the assignment to interview Christian scientists, physicians,
    >mathematicians about their religious and professional lives. Many
    >from this
    >listserve have graciously volunteered for this. The expectations are
    >same this time: the student initiates the contact, and no one should
    >contacted by more than one student.
    >I will be making a similar assignment in about two weeks, and am
    >now for volunteers. Several people volunteered this past fall but
    >were not
    >contacted, while some who were contacted indicated a willingness to
    >the process this spring.
    >Anyone who wants to be part of pool should contact me, off-board. I
    >not assume that anyone who volunteered in the past is volunteering
    >unless I hear directly from them.
    >Thanks again to all,
    >Ted Davis

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