Fw: Biogeography Question

From: Don Munro (don@asa3.org)
Date: Tue Jan 18 2000 - 14:17:56 EST

  • Next message: dfsiemensjr@juno.com: "Re: what comes next-the chicken or the fox?"

    Dear listservers,

    You have helped me before - anyone want to quickly try to help this
    needy young person? I know that they would appreciate some

                             Don Munro

    -----Original Message-----
    From: DongDing22@aol.com <DongDing22@aol.com>
    To: asa@asa3.org <asa@asa3.org>
    Date: Monday, January 17, 2000 5:18 PM
    Subject: Biogeography Question

    Hello! My name is Danyelle Mislow. I am a college student at Florida
    International University. I am attending a biogeography class this
    and I have a few questions for you. I have searched for the answers,
    but have
    not have any luck.
    Last Friday was my first class meeting which meets only once a week
    for three
    hours. I can honestly say that for about two hours of the time my
    was trying to disprove the bible. His argument was since there are
    between 5 and 50 million "kinds" of animals. plants, and microbes
    living on
    earth today and probably billions of species that have lived in the
    past "How
    could Noah have got all of this on the ark? If he did how could all
    of these
    animals and insects spread over the earth?" My professor says that
    this was
    impossible! How did the animals get to Alaska? This was another
    I sat quietly while he and my classmates laughed over the Bible. I
    need some
    evidence or something to take to my next class. I need answers.
    Can you help me or tell me how or where to get answers? I love God
    with all
    my heart, but I love science also. I am interning also to be a
    student. I have found it very difficult to be a Christian and
    Scientist. Any

    Thank You,
    Danyelle Mislow

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