Re: Call for Help/Information

From: glenn morton (
Date: Sun Jan 16 2000 - 16:22:53 EST

  • Next message: Wayne Dawson: "Re: Quantum Entanglement"

    At 09:42 PM 1/16/00 -0500, George Murphy wrote:
    > Does Genesis then "indicate" ~25% helium abundance from the big bang?
    >The "logic" is precisely the same & in fact leads to the ultimate
    conclusion that
    >all true science is "indicated by" (& not just compatible with) the Bible.
     But the
    >fact that the Bible is God's Word doesn't mean that it says everything
    true that
    >can be said.

    The Bible doesn't talk about any details at all of the big bang. Howver, it
    does talk about at least one detail of the creation of life which has huge
    consequences--that is, the land created living things! If the land did the
    bringing forth, what exactly can that be other than evolution? God didn't
    create life directly which rules out special creation and it rules out
    progressive creation as normally defined because it requires God act
    directly. The only thing left is evolution. Rather than telling me what you
    think of my ideas, why don't you tell me what else there is other than
    evolution that can fit the creation of life by the land? That would be far
    more useful than what you are doing.

    >> PC doesn't generally acknowledge mediate creation.
    > You lost me. PC? Political correctness. Pierre Curie?

    For goodness sake, progressive creation! This abbreviation has been used on
    this list for a long time!

    Foundation, Fall and Flood
    Adam, Apes and Anthropology

    Lots of information on creation/evolution

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