Re: what comes next-the chicken or the fox?

From: David Campbell (
Date: Fri Jan 14 2000 - 11:12:21 EST

  • Next message: Massie: "Re: what comes next-the chicken or the fox?"

    >Your prediction is not precise enough to allow for any kind of testing
    >of the actualy outcome vs. the forecast. Bert M.

    Without the data, precise prediction is impossible; however, there is the
    prediction that a large mutation or an accumulation of small mutations with
    large net effect may occur. Given the current interest in developmental
    genetics, I would not be surprised if labs are soon (years to decades) able
    to make fish with legs, amphibians with eggshells, and similar evolutionary
    transitions. Unless Christians acknowledge God's ability to do such
    things, they will be in trouble.

    On the other hand, I cannot think of any testable prediction of an
    intelligent design pattern without observing the designer designing, even
    if we had the data. If the designer can do whatever he likes, how can one
    predict it?

    David C.

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