Do the laws of physics change?

From: Ted Davis (
Date: Wed Jan 12 2000 - 12:00:49 EST

  • Next message: Massie: "[Fwd: Re: Physical constants]"

    In the past year, responding to some research proposals I reviewed in a double-blind situation, I had occasion more than once to mention an article from early in the century about "The Evolution of Laws," by distinguished French physicist Henri Poincare, who coined the term "quantum theory." An English translation is available in his "Mathematics and Science: Last Essays" ©|Dover 1963), based on the 1913 original. Apparently this is a hot topic at present, but it isn't new.

    In reviewing the article quickly, I don't see where he specifically raises the possibility of the speed of light changing over time, but it is clearly part of the general tenor of his thinking, in that the universe might be different in the future than it is now. A fascinating speculation to consider; I recommend this essay to all interested parties.

    Ted Davis

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