Re: The importance of concordism

From: glenn morton (
Date: Tue Jan 11 2000 - 16:53:30 EST

  • Next message: James K. Gruetzner: "Environmental/Christian issues"

    At 10:16 PM 1/11/00 -0500, George Murphy wrote:
    >glenn morton wrote:
    > .....................
    >> You can have the last word. I will be busy the next few days with my son's
    >> marriage to a wonderful young woman. They are both very mission minded and
    >> he will attend cemetary, I mean seminary the next couple of years or so.
    > My last word will be brief & repeats what I've said many times. Truth
    can be
    >conveyed in different literary forms, not just propositional statements
    about scientific
    >and historical phenomena.
    > At some point I would be interested to hear why you frequently use the
    >"cemetary" for "seminary" Of course some seminarians, including myself,
    have done that
    >as a joke, but I've also encountered anti-intellectuals who think that if
    you go to
    >seminary the pointy-headed perfessers will mess up your faith. I don't
    think that's
    >what you're getting at, but I don't know what you are getting at. Or am I
    just taking
    >it too seriosly?

    You are taking me entirely too seriously. I do it to my son to remind him
    not to become doctrinaire which often happens.

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