Re: Exceptional Measures

From: Vernon Jenkins (
Date: Thu Jan 06 2000 - 16:13:36 EST

  • Next message: gordon brown: "Re: Exceptional Measures"


    My NT references speak of Christ as 'propitiatory', or 'mercy seat'. The
    ratio 3:5 arises from the description of that item of tabernacle
    furniture given in Ex.25:17 - this being seen to match, precisely, the
    ratio, Name:Title, as rendered in the Greek, nominative case.

    The matter of 296 is a separate issue: as HCF of both Name and Title,
    and gematrial value of 'h'ertz' ('the earth'), it echoes another truth
    concerning the Lord, viz that he is indeed God Incarnate.

    Are you not prepared to admit that these correspondences are remarkable?
    Would you really be happy to see them 'swept under the carpet'?



    George Murphy wrote:
    > Vernon Jenkins wrote:
    > ............................
    > > (B) VJ:(3) returning to the Lord's Name: the ratio 888:1480, ie 3:5 is,
    > > very appropriately, that of the sides of the mercy seat (Ex.25:17);
    > >
    > > GM: This is just the 3:5 ratio you started with since the factors of 296
    > > cancel out, so it has nothing to do with "the earth" of Gen.1:1.
    > >
    > > VJ: The real point here is not so much the 296 but the fact that the
    > > Name 'Jesus Christ' is linked numerically with the mercy seat - this
    > > link already having been made textually in Ro.3:25, Heb.2:17, 1Jn.2:2
    > > and 1Jn.4:10. However, the value 296 as HCF is also still relevant! ....................................
    > > It's a pity that you're so resistant to this
    > > body of truth! A half-hour there would be well spent, I assure you!
    > Snipping just this one example, I leave it to any observer to judge who is being
    > "resistant". If I want to spend a half hour on something it will be on the significance
    > of Christ in the NT passages you mention - none of which have anything to do with the
    > _dimensions_ of the mercy seat, which in turn (as I demonstrated) have absolutely
    > no connection with the number 296.
    > Shalom,
    > George
    > George L. Murphy

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