>The Book of Revelation speaks of a harrowing period of time in three
>distinct ways: first as 1260 days (12:6), then as three-and-a-half years
>(12:14), and finally as 42 months (13:5). This intriguing variety of
>expression used by the author leads, on closer examination, to some
>interesting conclusions involving in particular a latter-day artefact:
>the ISO standard A4 sheet of cut paper.
>Details may be found under the heading "Exceptional Measures" at the URL
> http://homepage.virgin.net/vernon.jenkins/index.htm
Having viewed your web site I am struck with this: Vernon, do you really
have nothing better to do?
Dick Fischer - The Origins Solution - www.orisol.com
"The answer we should have known about 150 years ago."