Never heard of this person before but, out of curiosity, went to his website
and found the following prophesy for Canada (a few comments by me in square
"Canada, oh Canada, a land of moral decadence [any less moral than the USA
or Europe?] . You have flaunted yourselves before the French [I wonder what
he means with that?]; you have flaunted yourselves before the world. You say
you love me, but who you love is purely yourselves.
"You have become a melting pot of many peoples and nations. Yes, Canada, you
have taken upon your nation their (immigrants') sins. They escaped their
countries because of judgment falling on their country [hardly; when my
parents and I emigrated to Canada, it was not because of the judgment
falling on The Netherlands, it was an "economical thing." I doubt if
Hungarians came to Canada after the 1956 uprising, etc., etc., ] Judgment
fell because they rejected the Truth of all ages; they rejected my Word the
Holy Scriptures and Me, the Lord God. Now they (immigrants) run to a new
country and bring their arrogance into a land already filled with the pride
of the French, the English and the Americans [he left out the aboriginals,
but maybe they don't have any pride].
"Oh, Canada, your pride is exceedingly great. Your haughtiness is repulsive.
Your immorality is exceedingly high because you have compromised My
principles and values to demonstrate religious tolerance for those who have
become your people. This is a people who have destroyed their own countries
with false Religions and a love of money. Now they are destroying a land I
have have created full of beauty and grace. Oh yes, it seems that all is
order, all is okay. But, as quickly and suddenly as one finds out he is
dying with an incurable disease, so will my judgments start to fall on you.
Your land of beauty will start to dry up and disappear as the truth has
disappeared from the hearts and lips of your pastors and politicians. Just
as my Church has become a house void of truth, healing, power, and
preservation so the Nation has become a people without morality. As the
Church now has become a house of thieves, homosexuals and spiritual
prostitutes, so the Nation is increasing becoming a people of sick values,
beliefs and rebellious attitudes.
Yes, judgment will start to fall sure and swift. The people who once boasted
of their land of beauty, religious tolerance and open mindedness to all
people and cultures will boast no more. Instead, they will cry for what was
and what should and could have been if only they had obeyed my
Anyway, you get the picture.
Chuck Vandergraaf
Pinawa, MB
> ----------
> From: Stein Arild Stromme[]
> Sent: Wednesday, December 29, 1999 3:29 AM
> To:
> Subject: Prophet(?) Jonathan Hansen
> Dear friends,
> One of Jonathan Hansen's prophecies has just made its way into a
> Norwegian newspaper. I'd like to ask members of the ASA list what to
> think of this man. Is he well known in the USA? How is his prophecy
> "track record"? His website is
> Thanks in advance,
> Stein
> --
> Stein A. Strømme --- Matematisk institutt, Universitetet i Bergen
> e-post: telefon: 5558 4825 telefax: 5558 9672