If at all possible cut and past the urls. The correct url for Roy's
questionnaire is:
He has creationism instead of creation in his url.
Since he used what was a professionally designed questionnaire of some
other folks, the questions look well designed, but I am not sure that
they reflect the research questions Roy wants answered and I am not sure
how valid a sample he will get by putting it on the internet. That
sounds great with a potentially big audience but I suspect it may be
more biased in sampling the population than a whole University Class
that HAS to answer.
And Roy - What research questions are you trying to get at? If they are
important research questions perhaps we could get some captive classes
to take the questionnaire.
-- James and Florence Mahaffy 712 722-0381 (Home) 227 S. Main St. 712 722-6279 (Office) Sioux Center, IA 51250