George Murphy wrote:
> George Andrews Jr. wrote:
> ........................
> > The physicist that I hang with do not question the speed of light's constancy; only
> > its value to the n'th place. In the past, measurement techniques were cruder and
> > therefore gave different values. Such is progress.
> >
> > The speed of an EM wave in a vacuum is a consequence of Maxwell's theory of
> > radiation and independent of observer or measurement. .........................
> But we can only place non-zero observational upper linmits on the rest mass
> of the photon: It might have a Compton wavelength on the order of 1000 LY, so that c
> (the speed which is unchanged by a Lorentz transformation) wouldn't be "the speed of
> light". EM fields then wouldn't obey Maxwell's equations but those of Proca. This
> wouldn't do the YECs any good though.
> Shalom,
> George
> George L. Murphy
Actually the ratio of the rest mass (zero) and the kinetic mass is
infinity as required by Special Relativity. Bert M