Re: Two Times
George Murphy (
Sun, 19 Dec 1999 22:21:46 -0500
Bert Massie wrote:
> A Tale of Two Physisists:
> For those on this line who have it all figured out, I would like to pose
> a question.
> Consider that God put two physicists into the Universe about 100,000
> years after the beginning according to the Big Bang cosmology. These
> physicists have identical clocks on them and are immune to the insults
> of radiation, gravity gradients, and the lack of a Journal to publish
> in. By some means their clocks are synchronized and set at zero. One
> happens to be located at a point in space which eventually becomes a
> very massive neutron star. The other happens to be at a point which
> becomes intergalactic space. By some further means we at current epoch
> read their clocks (I will ignore the consequence of how this comes
> about.) The neutron star physicist states that his clock has elapsed
> 400,000 years and the intergalactic physicist says his has elapsed
> 10,000,000,000 years. Again, I ignore the details.
A very rough parallel to this problem would be the problem of how
Abraham and the rich man can hear one another across the "great gulf" between
them in the afterlife in Lk.16:19-31.
George L. Murphy