Re: Kulp's proof?

Lawrence Johnston (
Wed, 15 Dec 1999 17:30:01 -0800

Date sent: Wed, 15 Dec 1999 19:02:28 -0500
From: George Murphy <>
To: Diane Roy <>
Copies to: asanet <>
Subject: Re: Kulp's proof?

Diane - I think you are wondering how a person can know the half-life of U238
or other very long-lived isotope.

Assuming that the nature of the nucleus is not time-dependent, the half-life
is easy to determine in the laboratory by measuring the rate of alpha particle
emission from a sample of the pure isotope. This can be done in a few hours
or minutes. The longer the half-life, the fewer alphas will be emitted per
second, from a sample contining a known amount of U238.

I hope this helps. Larry

Lawrence H. Johnston 917 E. 8th st.
professor of physics, emeritus Moscow, Id 83843
University of Idaho (208) 882-2765 ===================