Re: ASA membership, Nelson and Wells.

Kamilla Ludwig (
Fri, 10 Dec 1999 10:31:57 -0700

Misrepresentation is precisely what many nonChristian cults are so practiced at.
They take Christianese and poor new meanings into the words - so someone who is a
member of the Unification church probably could sign the statement of faith with
no qualms. The more "Christian" they can appear, the easier their work of
deception becomes.

Kamilla Ludwig
"You gotta kick at the darkness 'til it bleeds daylight" - Bruce Cockburn wrote:

> As Gordon Brown originally pointed out, and I just confirmed, Jonathan Wells
> is listed in the 1997-1999 directory as a "Full Member". This requires
> signing the Statement of Faith. While I don't know that much about the
> Unification Church, I think the Statement of Faith is not something a Moonie
> could honestly agree to (or else it needs to be tightened). There is a
> "Friend of the ASA" (nonvoting) category for people who are interested in
> ASA's work but don't want to sign the statement of faith; that is the
> category Wells legitimately could be in.
> So unless that entry in the directory is a misprint, it appears Wells
> misrepresented himself.
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Dr. Allan H. Harvey, Boulder, Colorado |
> "Any opinions expressed here are mine, and should not be
> attributed to my employer, my wife, or my cats"