Kamilla Ludwig
"You gotta kick at the darkness 'til it bleeds daylight" - Bruce Cockburn
SteamDoc@aol.com wrote:
> As Gordon Brown originally pointed out, and I just confirmed, Jonathan Wells
> is listed in the 1997-1999 directory as a "Full Member". This requires
> signing the Statement of Faith. While I don't know that much about the
> Unification Church, I think the Statement of Faith is not something a Moonie
> could honestly agree to (or else it needs to be tightened). There is a
> "Friend of the ASA" (nonvoting) category for people who are interested in
> ASA's work but don't want to sign the statement of faith; that is the
> category Wells legitimately could be in.
> So unless that entry in the directory is a misprint, it appears Wells
> misrepresented himself.
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Dr. Allan H. Harvey, Boulder, Colorado | SteamDoc@aol.com
> "Any opinions expressed here are mine, and should not be
> attributed to my employer, my wife, or my cats"