Re: Imposing our theology on Scripture
glenn morton (
Thu, 09 Dec 1999 21:44:30 +0000
At 07:37 AM 12/9/99 -0500, George Murphy wrote:
>glenn morton wrote::
>> And interestingly, the Bible never actually says that God created
>> 'instantly' either. That is our theology running amok. When the Bible says,
>> God said,'Let there be light' and it was so. It doesn't say 'and it was so
>> INSTANTLY'. Our theology adds the 'INSTANTLY' which then leads us to
>> misread the 'after their kind' statements. There could have been lots of
>> time between God's statement and the fulfillment. Or does our theology
>> require that God be in a hurry?
>OTOH I think it would be a mistake to say that Genesis 1 "teaches biological
>evolution."The idea of matter "bringing forth" life which Glenn notes is
one >feature which makes the account open to an evolutionary interpretation
but it >doesn't _demand_ >such a reading.
No, but it sure does shake some people up to think that Scripture MIGHT
actually allow for evolution. :-)
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