I know the words of our Lord vis a vis lawyers. I suppose if my own daughter
weren't a lawyer, then I would feel more repelled by them. To change
people's mind you have to bring forth the assumptions they are making and at
times try to undermine them. We have to think sharply and lawyers are
trained to do that. "Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of
wolves; so be shrewd as serpents and innocent as doves." Matt. 10:16.
Take care,
-----Original Message-----
From: glenn morton <mortongr@flash.net>
To: Moorad Alexanian <alexanian@uncwil.edu>
Cc: asa@calvin.edu <asa@calvin.edu>; Keith B Miller <kbmill@ksu.edu>;
pnelson2@ix.netcom.com <pnelson2@ix.netcom.com>; bill@desiderius.com
<bill@desiderius.com>; RCollins@messiah.edu <RCollins@messiah.edu>;
philjohn@uclink4.berkeley.edu <philjohn@uclink4.berkeley.edu>;
wlcraig@bellsouth.net <wlcraig@bellsouth.net>; mjb1@Lehigh.edu
<mjb1@Lehigh.edu>; stevemeyer@whitworth.edu <stevemeyer@whitworth.edu>;
don@asa3.org <don@asa3.org>; smorrison@ivcf.org <smorrison@ivcf.org>;
acg-l@dordt.edu <acg-l@dordt.edu>; evolution@calvin.edu
Date: Sunday, December 05, 1999 5:59 PM
Subject: Re: Phil Johnson's agenda
>At 02:34 PM 12/5/99 -0500, Moorad Alexanian wrote:
>>Dear Glenn,
>>I really do not want to get involved in this issue but it seems to me that
>>Johnson's point is to fight materialism from a position of strength,
>>philosophical and scientific, rather that from a position of faith,
>>that may be. I see some merit in that. In fact, that is the way that I
>>myself argue. Of course, my Christian faith underlies my original
>>made by those who believe that all that matters is matter. To understand
>>Johnson you must think like a lawyer and let us face it that is the
>>mode of thinking when you are in an adversarial discussion.
>I see two problems with this, Moorad. Lawyers are paid to win regardless of
>the truth. If we Christians act like lawyers and go for a win regardless of
>the truth, it is a bad way for us to deal with the issue. Secondly, when
>dealing with science one needs to think like a scientist not a lawyer. Our
>goal is to convince a world that Christianity is true, it isn't our goal to
>win a judgment against them.
>Foundation, Fall and Flood
>Adam, Apes and Anthropology
>Lots of information on creation/evolution