YEC/Other View points Debate
Tue, 12 Oct 1999 15:54:16 -0500

Bill Hamilton wrote
>A second glimmer of hope is the fact that when these home-schooled kids go
>college, if they go to a school like Wheaton or Calvin they will not be
>taught young-earth creationism in geology and biology classes.

As a Presbyterian I am some what outside on this debate, but as a point of
curiosity (since from my parent's home in Grand Rapids Calvin is just down
the road and Cornerstone is just up the road), I would be interested in
knowing how much grief the science department at Calvin gets for not
teaching from a Young Earth perspective? Are universities such as Calvin
that while solidly Christian in orientation but who teach what might be
termed mainstream science, albeit from a Christian perspective, rejected by
families from more conservative Christian backgrounds as "too liberal".
(Ok, you have to have grown up in Grand Rapids, Michigan in the 70's to know
why the idea of Calvin being too liberal is funny, but take my word for it,
it is. ) Seriously, how does an institution like Calvin balance being
considered too liberal or non-Christian on one hand versus preparing their
students for the world of science on the other? This can't be easy.

Janet Rice