Re: The Torah Codes, Cracked OK, so maybe God didn't write the
Mon, 11 Oct 1999 18:17:25 +0000

At 10:59 AM 10/11/1999 -0600, wrote:
>Glenn Morton wrote:.
>Because I am a fan of Ramban, I must protest this reporters
>misrepresentation of Ramban. Ramban was named Moshe ben Nachman or
>Nachmanides. Maimonides was an entirely different person. I can hear my
>Jewish friends saying, "Only a gentile could make such a mistake." :-)
>The Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 5:129 , notes that RaMBaM is an acronym
>for Rabbi Moses ben Maimon, known by the Latinized name, Maimonides. Or
>is the author of the article, Shlomo Pines, another confused Gentile?

I stand most humbly corrected. I did look at several encyclopedias for any
nickname of Maimonides and never have seen that. So, as I said of others,
--Only a Gentile like me could make such a mistake. THanks to both you and
Bill for the corrections.


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