The official description of N&V follows:
<bold>News & Views</bold> are short commentaries on current scientific
discoveries or events. Lengths range <bold>from 200 to 2000 words</bold>.
Submissions are reviewed by the editorial board and are typically
published in 3 to 6 months.
However, do to the low number of N&V submissions for the Dec
issue (the actual number of submissions currently is zero), the
time between submission and publication will be considerably
shorter. Send me a piece by Oct. 1 and following a RAPID
REVIEW, approved pieces will be published in the December
issue. Appropriate pieces deal with current science topics and
give a Christian commentary or spin on them.
For example, I would like someone to write a short piece on the
"State of Kansas' posture on Evolution" OR "Ethics of Stem Cell
Research" OR "Implications of the Smart Mouse: IQ and Genes."
(Look at the second from the last issue of Time magazine) Or?
whatever is making the news in your field of interest.
Short, pithy, concise, precise, interesting pieces that are accurate
and stimulating will make it to the winner's circle! Give it a try.
Send your submission to me via email or postal mail.
Roman J. Miller, Ph.D.
Editor, Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith
4956 Singers Glen Road
Harrisonburg, VA 22802