From: Vandergraaf, Chuck[SMTP:vandergraaft@aecl.ca]
Sent: Thursday, September 02, 1999 8:11 PM
To: 'vernon.jenkins@virgin.net'
Cc: evolution@calvin.edu; asa@calvin.edu
Subject: RE: Year of Destiny?!
I didn't look through all the attachments, but isn't this some sort of
numerology? Also, I snipped the following statement out of the first
attachment: "it will be a leap year - and will thus include an extra month."
With nonsense like that, I wouldn't put too much stock in these
Let's live everyday as if the Lord would appear that same day.
Chuck Vandergraaf
Pinawa, MB
> ----------
> From: Vernon Jenkins[SMTP:vernon.jenkins@virgin.net]
> Reply To: vernon.jenkins@virgin.net
> Sent: Thursday, September 02, 1999 5:41 PM
> To: evolution@calvin.edu; asa@calvin.edu
> Subject: Year of Destiny?!
> <<File: Segment1_5760.htm>><<File: Mystery_5760_2.gif>><<File:
> Segment2_5760.htm>><<File: Chequers.gif>><<File:
> Segment3_5760.htm>><<File: Mystery_5760_3.gif>><<File:
> Segment4_5760.htm>><<File: Mystery_5760_4.gif>><<File: Segment5_5760.htm>>
> Friends,
> We are rapidly approaching a significant conjunction in world history.
> By a remarkable coincidence(?)a unique Anno Mundi (according to the
> Jewish calendar) will overlap a rather special Anno Domini.
> I have appended the details.
> Vernon
> http://homepage.virgin.net/vernon.jenkins/index.htm
> http://www.compulink.co.uk/~indexer/miracla1.htm
<<File: ATT00001.html>>