-----Original Message-----
From: Behnke, James <>
To: 'evolution' <>; 'ASA reflector' <>
Cc: Wilbur, Frank <>; Olsen, Larry
<>; Baldridge, Bobby <>
Date: Wednesday, September 01, 1999 11:45 AM
Subject: Materialistic Science
>One of our English faculty is using Johnson's paperback on Defeating
>Darwinism in Freshman Composition, so some of us scientists are discussing
>We (the academic community) seem to have decided that good theology is not
>required to do good science. An unbeliever can do it just as well as a
>believer. See Ted Davis' book on Robert Boyle.
>Is good theology necessary to do good science? Can an unbeliever do
>just as well as a believer? (If so, some form of naturalism is part of
>Johnson and Moreland have pushing the view that says "No" to the above
>questions. My view is that J and M are wrong. What do others feel? Is
>study of evolution more naturalistic or materialistic than the study of
>atoms, molecules and forces?
>Jim Behnke