Thank you for your contribution. There are two hearty Amen's I have and
one area of, well, less than an Amen.
At 09:14 AM 08/17/1999 -0500, Pattle Pun wrote:
it seems unwarranted to assume the creation account to be
>allegorical while the rest of these narratives are historical.
This has always seemed odd to me and to many YECs. So an Amen here.
> The distinction of man and beasts is that man was created
>in the image of God and other creatures were not. Therefore, in Genesis
>2:7, man becomes a living being for the first time, just as other
>creatures, This would seem to rule out the interpretation that man is
>genetically derived from some previously existing living forms.(38)
But the scientific data is so overwhelmingly in favor of this connection
that it is hard to take such a theology seriously anymore. If I sent you
and four other people to separate cities with instructions to copy by hand
the Encyclopedia Brittanica. If when you all came back I found the same
paragraph from the 3rd volume, page 345 paragraph 4 inserted between
paragraphs 6 and 7 of page 894 volume 16, and this was not in the original,
I would say that you all copied from each other and didn't independently
copy the Encyclopedia.
What is the point of this? The same thing happens with pseudogenes.
Pseudogenes are mistakes, partial genes that don't have a function which
are found inserted at the same site on the same chromosome of Gibbon,
Chimp, Gorilla and Man. The odds of a useless bit of flotsam DNA being
found at the same site without common descent, is astounding. And lest we
say that God did it by copying, remember this, designers don't design
broken things. There is not a broken transmission in addition to a working
one on your car.
See . Edward Max, "Plagiarized Errors and Molecular Genetics: Another
Argument in the Evolution-Creation Controversy," Creation /Evolution, 6:3,
Winter, 1986/1987, p. 34-46
>However, it is a reluctance to dichotomize the
>theological and the historical dimensions of God's revelation which
>prompts the concordists to keep on trying.
Here you are absolutely correct.
Foundation, Fall and Flood
Adam, Apes and Anthropology
Lots of information on creation/evolution