Christian perspective on animal experimentation

Rick Lindroth (
Mon, 16 Aug 1999 14:37:45 -0600

Dear Dr. Gray:

Would you be willing to post the following message to the ASA
ListServ for me? I'd rather not become a subscriber to the list.




On behalf of a friend, I am searching for published information
dealing with a Biblical perspective on the use of animals in
research. If you are aware of any such information, I would
appreciate being so informed. As I am not a subscriber to the ASA
ListServ, please respond to me directly via e-mail.


Rick Lindroth

Richard L. Lindroth Office phone: (608)263-6277
Dept. of Entomology FAX: (608)262-3322
1630 Linden Drive E-mail:
University of Wisconsin
Madison, WI 53706 U.S.A.