Re: responses to "scientifically humble" YEC
Sun, 25 Jul 1999 15:47:58 +0000

I am on good terms with Paul Nelson but we differ deeply.I think the
saddest statement in their part was their characterization of theistic
evolutionists. They wrote:

"Theistic evolution is not the result of some stupidity, but a creative
failure. Such people, for whatever reason, cannot see beyond the bounds of
their training or their own philosophic and theological commitments to
seriously consider other possibilities." Paul Nelson and John Mark
Reynolds, "Young Earth Creationism," in J. P. Moreland and John Mark
Reynolds, editors, Three Views on Creation and Evolution, (Grand Rapids:
Zondervan, 1999), p. 46

Which of course totally ignores people like me, Denis Lamoureaux and
others, who were once fully committed YECs but found the distortions and
ignoring of the data to be too much to stomach. We once saw 'beyond the
bounds of our training,' (I presume that this means that you can see YEC as
a viable option if you pay no attention to your training), but left YEC in
a cloud of dust. IN my case it was ethical dust. I could no longer deal
with the ethics of ignoring the vast mountain of data. I didn't think that
God wanted us to ignore things.

And given the admission John Mark and Paul make about the evidence making
YEC untenable, I wonder how they can remain as yecs other than by wishing
and hoping.

Foundation, Fall and Flood
Adam, Apes and Anthropology

Lots of information on creation/evolution