At 08:50 PM 7/6/99 -0400, Dick Fischer wrote:
>The slogan "All truth is God's truth," is untrue. There is truth that is
>just out there - theistically neutral. The answer to, "Honey, did you take
>out the garbage"? can be yes or no. A statement of fact. Facts can be
>theistically neutral. And a statement of fact could have evil intent. ""I
>saw your husband coming out of widow Brown's house last night," could be
>the whole truth and nothing but the truth, but perhaps better left unsaid
>depending on the circumstances. Maybe a better slogan would be: "Some
>truth is God's truth," or "All God's truth is true," or "There is no truth
>like God's truth."
>On second thought, can the slogan.
>Dick Fischer - The Origins Solution -
>"The answer we should have known about 150 years ago."