Re: Global Flood
Tue, 6 Jul 1999 23:05:27 EDT


You wrote,
< Concerning the recent exchanges regarding the true nature of the Noahic
Deluge, I believe it appropriate that I set out a background for my
belief that - notwithstanding scientific evidence (real or imagined) to
the contrary - the event devastated the whole Earth. [snip] >>

By saying that you are going to hold to your theory "notwithstanding
scientific evidence (real or imagined) to the contrary…" you are admitting
that you are committed to reject even "real" scientific evidence, that is
evidence which tells the truth. As a Christian, you do not have a moral
right to do that.

I am very familiar with the plethora of rationalizations, 'devices' and ad
hoc miracles invented to avoid the data which falsifies creation science; so
I am not surprised that having adopted its basic thesis you (whether
consciously or unconsciously) have admitted to a willingness to suppress
truth in order to sustain that thesis. Of course, the thesis of a Flood that
covered "planet Earth" is a human tradition which is false and so cannot be
sustained without suppressing truth. But, you cannot be committed to Jesus
Christ who is the Truth and at the same time be committed to a thesis which
entails the suppression of Truth.

Need I remind you that as defined by the Lord himself, a servant of Christ is
one who loves the truth (Jon 18:37), not one who suppresses the truth?
Further, we are given to understand that such a one is required to 'bear his
cross' and follow him (Luke 14:27) and that this cross will be imposed not
only by the world, but as much or more by religious people who, standing upon
Scripture, will think they are upholding a very holy biblical tradition
against forces that would destroy that tradition (John 18:14; 19:7). The
Apostle Paul puts his finger on its true nature when he informs us of the
inevitable spiritual battle waged between the redeemed soul and the Satanic
forces that are ranged against it (Eph 6:11,12) and that because those
Satanic forces will be characterized by deceit and the suppression of truth,
the first weapon of defense against them is girding the loins with truth (Eph

You once said with regard to Genesis, "Are these just the opinions of Moses
that we read about? Surely not! These are the words of our Creator, and as
such should be accepted as literally true." But, instead of accepting the
description of the earth in Genesis as a flat disc which does not move, you
"bend the knee" to science and tell us you believe in a flood that covered an
earth that is a sphere, a globe, indeed a moving planet-all quite contrary to
accepting the "words of our Creator…as literally true." Nor do I hear you
confessing the solidity of the sky or the ocean above it, above even the
stars, as the cause of the Flood even though the Bible says that. You are
bending the knee to science-even though it contradicts the Bible. And, where
does the Bible say the Flood had to cover planet Earth because it entailed a
"biological cleanout"? That is, where does the Bible say that animal life
had spread beyond Mesopotamia? It is science and only science that tells you
the animals covered planet Earth c. 2500 to 5000 BC.

You accept scientific truth when it fits your theory. You suppress it when
it falsifies your theory. And, you do the same with biblical truth. Until a
person makes a commitment to follow the Truth no matter what it does to a
personal theory, he/she cannot be a "lover of truth."

I sympathize with you in one way for I once had an unbiblical view of
Scripture just like you do. I did not realize I was subordinating Jesus
Christ to my view of the Bible. But, I have realized since then that just as
Roman Catholics need to repent of deifying the virgin Mary, fundamentalists
need to repent of deifying the Bible. The problem is Roman Catholics deeply
love their Blessed Virgin and do not want to give her up. Beside, they will
tell you they do not deify her. And, so it is with fundamentalists and their
view of Scripture. But, you can find your way out of your bondage IFyou
refuse to suppress any truth from any quarter ... for God dwells in light.

Paul S.