Knowledge can be used for both good and/or evil. Thought control??? It is
like gun control - it's simplistic, altruistic, and utopian. But... it is
not realistic. I would suggest you review your philosophical views.
Real change comes from within. Science like any other tool serves us with
blind power. It is US who give it sight :)
Best Wishes,
William - N6RKY
John Neal wrote:
> Just thought all you "scientists" would like to see some of the fruits
> of what theistic evolution tends to justify. AKA, a sinister veil of
> compassion obscuring a bloody sickle of exploitation.
> enjoy
> p.s.
> how about that new treatment for Parkinson's? Need some dopamine baby?
> Disgusted,
> John Neal
> UK: Christian Aid demands a five-year freeze on technology and calls for
> block on 'suicide seeds'
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> GUARDIAN (London)
> May 10, 1999
> Genetically modified food: recent reports, links and background The
> introduction of genetically modified crops to the world's poorest
> countries could lead to famine instead of feeding more than 800m hungry
> people worldwide, says Christian Aid.
> In a major report today the charity argues that GM crops are
> 'irrelevant' to ending world hunger, will concentrate power in too few
> hands and will strip small farmers of their independence.
> It also condemns 'suicide seeds' that contain a terminator gene which
> makes the next generation of seeds sterile, forcing farmers to buy new
> seed every year. Currently, 80% of crops in the developing world are
> from saved seed. Christian Aid says the consequences of such massive
> influence on the world food supply could be one of the most serious
> developments in history.
> It says: 'GM crops are . . . creating classic preconditions for hunger
> and famine. A food supply based on too few varieties of patented crops
> are the worst option for food security. More dependence and
> marginalisation loom for the poorest.'
> The report, which used research in Brazil, India and Ethiopia, is a
> major challenge to the life sciences industry, led by a handful of giant
> chemical and agri-business firms.
> Companies like Monsanto, Novartis and the British corporation Zeneca
> argue that GM technology will play a major role in ending hunger. None
> was available for comment yesterday.
> GM crops of soya, maize, tobacco and cotton are grown widely in the US,
> China, Argentina and Canada. But the report says the market will move
> south where more than 50 other crops are being tested in more than 30
> developing countries.
> Predictions by the Rural Advancement Foundation International, a
> Canadian agricultural research group, says GM crops will jump from less
> than 20m hectares (50m acres) today to more 800m hectares by 2002. More
> than 600m hectares will be in poor countries.
> The report says the major corporations are moving swiftly into
> developing countries. In Brazil, Monsanto has spent more than $1bn in
> buying seed companies and plans a $550m factory to produce pesticide
> compatible with its GM soya crops.
> In India it has big holdings in the country's largest seed company and
> invested more than $20m in the country's leading science institution. It
> has also paid more than $1bn for the international seed operations of
> Cargill, the world's largest private grain sales company.
> The big five GM corporations have patents in more than 90 countries on
> different versions of terminator technology. The US department of
> agriculture has a 5% share in one version of the terminator gene, and
> predicts that 'it will be so widely adopted that farmers will only be
> able to buy seeds that cannot be re-germinated'. There have been riots
> and crop burnings in Brazil and India.
> Christian Aid says that large farmers are the only ones to benefit from
> GM technology. Indian research showed that land reform and simple
> irrigation can boost crops by 50%, against 10% increases from GM crops.
> Christian Aid called for a five-year freeze on GM crops and for new
> resources to be put into sustainable and organic farming.
> FAIR USE NOTICE. This document contains copyrighted material whose use
> has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. Corporate
> Watch is making this article available in our efforts to advance
> understanding of ecological sustainability, human rights, economic
> democracy and social justice issues. We believe that this constitutes a
> 'fair use' of the copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of
> the US Copyright Law. If you wish to use this copyrighted material for
> purposes of your own that go beyond 'fair use', you must obtain
> permission from the copyright owner.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- William A. Wetzel icq-uin# 13983514