I am not a philosopher but a biologists (with an interest in
perspectives), who teaches at Dordt College, a college with a strong
emphasis in philosophy.
The reason for my posting is to ask for feedback on how either the ASA
or Christian biologist organizations (and or lists) could have more of
an impact on the academic world.
I have an impression that SCP has a real impact on academia. I am not
sure why. It may be in part because of some individuals active in it,
but I suspect there is more to it. Is there anything that the Christian
biologists or ASA could learn from you. Do any of you have an idea of
why the impact of this Christian discipline group is greater than some
others. I know the ASA is concerned about this and it is on the agenda
of their annual meetings. I also sponsor the list of the Affiliation of
Christian Biologists so will cc this on to the lists of both groups. In
looking at your archives at calvin, even your list seems to be a bit
more like the good professional lists (paleonet or mammal-l are two in
my area that come to mind - but I am sure there are lots more). I do
not want to cause digression in the list so you are welcome to reply
privately to me and I will summarize it to the lists if you have some
good suggestions. I probably will not join scp but will read the
archives if you respond to the list.
While an important focus of Christian affiliations is to support members
it would be nice if they had an impact similiar to that of "secular"
I do have a bunch of ideas ranging from the empiricism of the sciences
to stuck on origins debates that might be part of it but I don't want to
prejudice your responses.
-- James and Florence Mahaffy 712 722-0381 (Home) 227 S. Main St. 712 722-6279 (Office) Sioux Center, IA 51250