I mistakenly sent this message only to Dick's private e-mail address and
not to the list. As the accusations were made publicly, so should the
critique of them.
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Date: Sat, 29 May 1999 14:14:53 -0400
From: Ed Brayton <cynic@net-link.net>
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To: Dick Fischer <dfischer@mnsinc.com>
Subject: Re: Coral Growth Rates
References: <199905290206.WAA21128@smtp-gw2.vma.verio.net>
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Dick Fischer wrote:
> >What a bizarre question. Are non-Christians not allowed to speak?
> Let me rephrase that. Why do you choose to be a non-Christian?
Sorry, Dick, this is not about my religious beliefs, it is about your unwarranted
and viscious attack on the integrity of Art Chadwick. Opinion seems to be pretty
unanimous that the only one in this situation who is showing a lack of integrity
here is you. Perhaps you should give some thought to "thou shalt not bear false
> >Frankly, Dick, arguing and bickering don't bother me a bit. An irresponsible
> >attack such as the one you made does bother me, but I am reasonable enough
> not to
> >attribute such an attack to Christianity.
> Jesus threw the money changers out of the temple. He called the scribes and
> Pharisees "hypocrites." His mercy was poured out on the ignorant masses.
> His
> wrath was upon those who should have known better. If you knew Christ, Ed,
> some
> of these things would make more sense to you.
So you think Christ would make the same sort of scurrilous accusations that you
have made here? How sad. Worse than sad.
> >I think that YEC is wrong. I think that some YECs are terribly dishonest
> and I
> >would agree that YECism tends to push the scientifically literate away from
> >Christianity.
> Are you one example?
Sorry again, Dick. I am not going to let you change the subject and deflect
attention away from your behavior and onto my beliefs.
> >> If an apology could bring one such as you to give his life for Christ, I'd
> >> apologize to a thousand Arts, nay a million, tens of millions. There is
> >> nothing nearly so important in the words we put here that can in anyway
> >> compare with one life saved. Your life, Ed.
> >As I said, your behavior has no bearing on the credibility of
> Christianity. The
> >fact that you would follow up such a nasty attack by trying to witness to
> me does,
> I'm not witnessing to you here.
Good thing, because you would be failing miserably.
> I am bewildered that being condemned for
> all eternity does not seem to bother you, whereas my decorum or lack thereof
> does!
LOL. Well, I obviously am not "bothered" by being condemned for all eternity
because I don't believe in the idea. It's like saying, "How can you worry about
me stealing your car when the giant invisitble purple dinosaur is going to eat
you tomorrow.' If I don't accept the exitence of this giant invisitble purple
dinosaur, or I don't believe he is going to eat me, then you certainly should not
be bewildered by the fact that I might pay attention to you stealing my car. And
once again, I will tell you that the issue here is NOT my religious beliefs. The
issue is your unwarranted, unjustified and irresponsible attack on a man, your
fellow brother in Christ even, who does not deserve it. Although it is clear that
you are not, you should be ashamed of yourself.
Ed Brayton