Re: Gastaldo
Steven Schimmrich (
Mon, 24 May 1999 22:20:51 -0400
Before I go, Bob Gastaldo replied to my e-mail and said he'll try to reply to
Bill's claims but his time is also short as he's moving to Colby College in Maine
this summer. By the way, he'll be presenting a paper on this stuff at a special
creation/evolution Geological Society of America session in Denver this October.
Dave Young of Calvin (and other noteables) will also be presenting papers. If
you want information about the session participants, e-mail me since I have a list
on my office computer.
- Steve.
Steven H. Schimmrich Assistant professor of geology
Department of Geology and Geography (office)
Calvin College (home)
3201 Burton Street SE 616-957-7053, 616-957-6501 (fax)
Grand Rapids, Michigan 49546