G.J. Retallack, 1990, Soils of the Past: An Introduction to Paleopedology:
Boston, Unwin Hyman.
V.P. Wright (ed.), 1986, Paleosols: Their Recognition and Interpretation:
Princeton Univ. Press.
G.H. Mack, W.C. James, and H.C. Monger, 1993, Classification of paleosols:
GSA Bulletin 105: 129-136.
J. Renhardt and W.R Sigleo (eds.), 1988, Paleosols and Weathering Through
Geologic Time: Principles and Applications: GSA Special Paper 216. (This
volume contains an article by T.W.Gardner, E.G. Williams, and P.W. Holbrook
entitled "Pedogenesis of some Pennsylvanian underclays: ground-water,
topographic, and tectonic controls" on pages 81-101)
J.W. Huddle and S.H. Patterson, 1961, Origin of Pennsylvanian underclay and
related seat rocks: GSA Bulletin 72: 1643-1660. (This is an old paper
written before much research on paleosols was done.)
S.R. Schutter and P.H. Heckel, 1985, Missourian (early Late Pennsylvanian)
climate in midcontinent North America: International Journal of Coal
Geology 5: 111-140.
C.B. Cecil et al., 1985, Paleoclimate controls on Late Paleozoic
sedimentation and peat formation in the central Appalachian Basin (USA):
International Journal of Coal Geology 5: 195-230. (Among other things, this
paper discusses paleosols associated with Appalachian Basin coals.)
C.B. Cecil and C.E. Eble, 1992, Paleoclimate controls on Carboniferous
sedimentation and cyclic stratigraphy in the Appalachian Basin: US
Geological Survey Open File Report 92-546. (This field guide discusses the
lateral and vertical variability of coals and their associated paleosols.)
C.B. Cecil, et al., 1995, Allogenic and autogenic controls on sedimentation
in the central Sumatra basin as an analogue for Pennsylvanian coal-bearing
strata in the Appalachian basin: GSA Special Paper 286. (This paper
relates features of Appalachian coals to modern peat forming environments.)
S.K. Tandon and M.R. Gibling, 1994, Calcrete and coal in Late Carboniferous
cyclothems of Nova Scotia, Canada: Climate and sea level changes linked:
Geology 22: 755-758.
W.R. DiMichele and T.L. Phillips, 1996, Clades, ecological amplitudes, and
ecomorphs: phylogenetic effects and persistence of primitive plant
communities in the Pennsylvanian-age tropical wetlands: Palaeogeography
Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 127: 83-105.
Joeckel, R.M., 1995, Tectonic and paleoclimatic significance of a prominent
upper Pennsylvanian (Virgilian/Stephanian) weathering profile, Iowa and
Nebraska, USA: Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 118:
Joeckel, R.M., 1999, Paleosol in Galesburg Formation (Kansas City Group,
Upper Pennsylvanian), northern Midcontinent, USA: Evidence for climate
change and mechanisms of marine transgression: Journal of Sedimentary
Research 69: 720-737.
Keith B. Miller
Department of Geology
Kansas State University
Manhattan, KS 66506