Huh? So God has been detected?
Moorad: Scientific theories deal with matter, thus God is not in them
explicitly. Of course, the Creator is implicitly in matter. There is no
circular argument here!
Not only that but now also non sequitors.
-----Original Message-----
From: Pim van Meurs <>
To: 'Moorad Alexanian' <>; Ami Chopine <>; <>; Pim van Meurs <>; <>
Date: Monday, May 10, 1999 11:27 PM
Subject: RE: Life in the Lab -- Fox and the Nobel Prize
>Moorad: But the overwhelming majority of people in the world speak of
knowing God.
>Yes, and ?
>MooradL That is the difference between knowing God and detecting Him.
Anything that
>we know can be detected if it is material. God is known but not detected!
>So you claim but you should at least make the effort to back up that claim.
Now you are caught in a circular argument.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Pim van Meurs <>
>To: 'Moorad Alexanian' <>; Ami Chopine
> <>; Pim van Meurs <>;
> <>
>Date: Saturday, May 08, 1999 9:21 PM
>Subject: RE: Life in the Lab -- Fox and the Nobel Prize
>>That is illogical, we have certainly not detected all material entities.
>>From: Moorad Alexanian[]
>>Sent: Friday, May 07, 1999 6:07 AM
>>To: Pim van Meurs; Ami Chopine;;
>>Subject: Re: Life in the Lab -- Fox and the Nobel Prize
>>If God were material, then we would have detected him in the lab. Man is
>>detector of God and man is not only matter.
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Pim van Meurs <>
>>To: 'Moorad Alexanian' <>; Ami Chopine
>> <>;
>>Date: Thursday, May 06, 1999 10:52 PM
>>Subject: RE: Life in the Lab -- Fox and the Nobel Prize
>>>How do you know ?
>>>From: Moorad Alexanian[]
>>>Sent: Thursday, May 06, 1999 12:28 PM
>>>To: Ami Chopine;;
>>>Subject: Re: Life in the Lab -- Fox and the Nobel Prize
>>>God is not a material entity. Moorad
>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>From: Ami Chopine <>
>>>To: <>;
>>>Date: Thursday, May 06, 1999 1:40 AM
>>>Subject: Re: Life in the Lab -- Fox and the Nobel Prize
>>>>Is God alive?
>>>>> Death is an essential feature of something that is alive. If it does
>>>>> die, then it was not a material entity that was previously alive.