1. Number of years you have been an ASA member:( X ) 1-5; ( ) 6-10; ( ) 1
2. Your sex: ( ) F; ( X ) M
3. Your highest degree: ( )B.S.; ( X ) M.S.; ( ) Ph.D.; ( ) M.D.;
( ) Other
4. Area of academic training in the sciences: ( ) Biology; ( )
Chemistry; ( ) Engineering; ( ) Geology; ( ) Mathematics; ( )
Medical; ( ) Philosophy; ( X ) Physics; ( ) Social Science; ( )
5. Number of Annual Meetings you have attended in the past 10 years: (X)
none; ( ) 1-2; ( ) 3-5; ( ) 6+
6. How.well is the ASA currently meeting your expectations and personal
needs? Please rate us on a scale of one to five. One, low; five, high: (
)1; (X ) 2; ( ) 3; ( ) 4; ( ) 5
7. In the space below, tell us how we could better meet your needs and
Mainly: provide resources for non-scientist Christians to counter
some of the bad stuff around.
8. How do you rate our joumal, Perspectives on Science and Christian
Faith? ( ) 1; ( ) 2; ( ) 3; (X ) 4; ( ) 5
9. What changes would make it more valuable to you?
Regular feature for non-scientist Christian, suitable for church
l0. How do you rate the Newsletter? ( ) 1; ( ) 2; ( )3; ( X )4; (
) 5
11. What changes would make the Newsletter more valuable to you?
12. If you have attended an AnnualMeeting in the past ten years, how do
you rate them? (Otherwise leave blank) ( ) 1; ( ) 2; ( ) 3; ( ) 4;
( ) 5
13. Whether you have attended an Annual Meeting or not, what would make
this event more vaiuable to you and make it more attactive for you to attend?
14. If available, would you see value in and attend a local section of ASA
in your area? ( X )Yes; ( ) No
15. Do you have any other comments that might assist us as we seek to
represent you on the Executive Council?
>Answer: No.
Section II. Questions to aid the presentations in the Evangelism Symposium
at JBU on July 31, 1999.
1. Did you come to faith as a youth or in maturity? ( X )Youth; ( )
2. Was your knowtedge of science a hindrance in coming to faith or a
hindrance to your already forming faith? ( ) Hindrance in coming to
faith; ( ) Hindrance in forming faith; ( ) Both; ( X ) Neither
3. If science was a hindrance, what were the greatest difficulties?
4. Were there people in science or books that were especially helpful to
you in coming to faitb and/or strengthening it? Please list them:
People: C.S. Lewis, numerous others
Books: Mere Christianity; Great Divorce; Miracles (all by Lewis)
5. Finally,what other things can you share with us about your faith joumey
that could be helpful in how God deals with individuals immersed in the
practice and theory of science?
Get as many strong Christians in the sciences testifying mainly to
their faith. "Conservative" Christians are especially helpful, for they
speak the language and are better at avoiding the negative comments that
they've apostasized from the faith.
Yours in Christ, | ----Solo Christus----
James | In faith and in science,
James K. Gruetzner <jkgruet@unm.edu> | All truth is God's truth.
"A bruised reed he will not break; a smoldering wick he will not snuff out."