*thanks to Pattle Pun for bringing a great Shapiro quote
to our attention, last September 3rd.
The quote from PJ on the FOF program of 1997:
<The basic reason for this, as I see it, is that a generation has
grown up which has seen it as their mission to make peace
between Christianity and the secular academic organizations.
Indeed, even their own constituency--the parents and the trustees
and so--want them to educate their young people so they can go
on to Stanford and Berkeley and Harvard for graduate school, for
example. And they want their professors to have
good reputations in the secular academic organizations, you know,
of professors. So to get that you have to think like the secular
academic people, and so various ways have been found to say
that, "Well, Christianity even of an evangelical sort can be
reconciled with the way the secular thinking is done." And the
biggest area of this is theistic evolution. Because, you see, if you
are typed in the leading circles as challenging evolution, then you
become a fundamentalist, anti-intellectual, an enemy of science
and so. So, you can't have that respect and prestige.>
All of God's Best, Larry Johnston
Lawrence H. Johnston 917 E. 8th st.
professor of physics, emeritus Moscow, Id 83843
University of Idaho (208) 882-2765
http://www.uidaho.edu/~johnston/ ==================