"By being a PC rather than an evolutionary creationist, one is implicitly
making such a limitation. At least in the definition of progressive
creation that I have always used which is the miraculous creation of
species/genera/families etc at different times. And by saying that
functional integrity is not likely, one is placing such a limitation on
At least that is what I think is the case."
I guess this is one point on which we must disagree, then.
"What is the data point that convinces you that God intermittently
performed special acts of creation rather than designing a smoothly
functioning system
capable of evolution?"
I thought I had been clear on that, Glenn.
1. It is clear that God DID "intermittently perform" acts of creation at
some times. Wedding at Cana, Resurrection, Lazurus, etc.
2. It is clear to me at least, and to my wife, that God DID intervene at
least one time in our lives, causing us to do certain things we would not
have done otherwise (the story I shared here last year).
The above says that such acts happened, and continue to happen. They fall
in the "I'm quite certain" category.
3. On a less certain category is the fact that, although I've read all
about "microbe to men" scenarios over many years, and as far as I know
with no great bias towards belief or disbelief in them, I find myself, at
age 67, having pursued the subject "spastically" in younger years and
more seriously in recent years, to still have a great deal of skepticism.
This may be because my training is physics, I don't know. So much of the
scenarios are "just so" stories, albeit dressed up in scientific prose!
At least to me. That some degree of "evolution" occurred (in quotes for
it is a word capable of many meanings) is not in question. That the TCA
(Theory of Common Descent) is a useful paradigm for science research I
have no problem. That it is "proven fact" seems ludicrous. Even if one is
thoroughly convinced of accidentalism/evolutionism/Darwinism (take your
"What I don't see is the connection between the communication you
miraculously received and the way God behaves with nature. That is what
find puzzling. I see no causal connection between the two and see lots
paleontological evidence for evolution rather than progressive creation."
The connection (in points 1 & 2 above) is simply that since intervention
HAS happened in identifiable places, it is reasonable to think it may
have happened in other places.
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