Dear Gregg,
Newton's theory of gravitation is a deterministic theory and as such can
make short term predictions with the aid of computers. The men we sent to
the moon did land on the moon, didn't they?
>>Darwin had an important concept, but hardly a theory. There is enough wiggle
>>room and stretch in it, that no matter what observations one brings to it, an
>>evolutionist can assert, 'It's consistent with the Darwin's theory.'"
>I think one could say that Newton had an important concept, but hardly a
>theory. There is enough wiggle room and stretch in it, that no matter what
>observations one brings to it, a committed gravitationalist can assert
>"It's consistent with the Newtonian (or Einsteinian) theory."
There is no wiggle room in Newtonian theory. In fact, it was shown to make
wrong predication for the perihelion precession of Mercury. Einstein's
theory gave the correct value for the motions of the perihelia.