Re: Re: Re: Evolution is alive and well
Gary Collins (
Mon, 19 Oct 1998 08:07:22 +0100 (BST)
> >
> >Darwin had an important concept, but hardly a theory. There is enough wiggle
> >room and stretch in it, that no matter what observations one brings to it, an
> >evolutionist can assert, 'It's consistent with the Darwin's theory.'"
> I think one could say that Newton had an important concept, but hardly a
> theory. There is enough wiggle room and stretch in it, that no matter what
> observations one brings to it, a committed gravitationalist can assert
> "It's consistent with the Newtonian (or Einsteinian) theory."
> glenn
As indeed we have seen recently wrt the 'misbehaviour' of the Galileo spacecraft :-)