>Creationists have finally slipped one past the goalkeeper.
Are you serious? Who is this goal keeper of which you speak?
> Cambridge
>University Press has just published William A. Dembski's THE DESIGN
>INFERENCE. In it Dembski acknowledges such creationists as Phillip Johnson,
>Michael Behe, and A. E. Wilder-Smith. The creationist David Berlinski wrote
>the jacket endorsement (see below).
This is news. Why do you say Berlinski is a creationist?
>If you really want to see what Dembski is up to, compare this book to his
>(from the evangelical Christian publisher InterVarsity). This book has also
>just been published. In it Dembski lays out the theological agenda behind
>the so-called "intelligent design movement."
>This neo-creationism is a lot more sophisticated and slickly packaged than
>the creationism that lost in the courts back in the 80s. Given that 50% of
>Americans are creationists, this new-style creationism may not only slip
>past the academic publishers (as it has here), but also past the courts. The
>threat to science education is real. I urge you to take this threat
>seriously and meet it head on.
I know, let's have a good old fashioned book burning. Sounds
fun, who wants to play?
Seriously, I'm 100% opposed to teaching creationism in schools.
However I feel your attitude is more a danger to science than
Dembski is to science education.
Brian Harper
Associate Professor
Applied Mechanics
The Ohio State University
"It appears to me that this author is asking
much less than what you are refusing to answer"
-- Galileo (as Simplicio in _The Dialogue_)