Re: Evolution is alive and well
Moorad Alexanian (alexanian@UNCWIL.EDU)
Mon, 12 Oct 1998 13:19:10 -0500 (EST)
At 05:57 PM 10/9/98 -0500, Glenn R. Morton wrote:
>At 10:31 AM 10/9/98 -0700, sschaff@SLAC.Stanford.EDU wrote:
>>Moorad wrote:
>>> Christians ought to realize that evolutionary theory cannot be proven false
>>> since it cannot be falsified. [...]
>>I have seen you make this statement several times, and I am puzzled by
>>it. I can think of several kinds of observation that _I_ think would
>>falsify evolution (by which I mean common descent of all life forms on
>>the planet), at least in anything remotely like its present form. And
>>the opponents of evolution certainly think it can be falsified, since
>>they spend a good deal of ink trying to do precisely that. Could you
>>explain why you think it is unfalsifiable?
>If we were to find the entire panoply of modern animals, fossilized in
>Cambrian rocks, it would clearly rule out evolution since nothing would
>have changed and no evolution would have occurred. So, evolution is clearly
>falsifiable. The problem is we don't find modern animals in the 500 myr
>old Cambrian rocks. In fact the earliest fossil example of a living animal
>is only 5-10 million years old. There are two of them from Upper Miocene
I am sure that a dedicated evolutionist would conclude than modern animals
devolved somewhere else in the universe and landed here on earth after they
were dully developed.