ORIGINS:Re: What would you ask ?

Adam Crowl (
Thu, 08 Oct 1998 06:26:52 PDT


Allan wrote,

>From: (McCarrick, Allan)
>Date: Wed, 07 Oct 1998 07:55 EST
>Subject: What would you ask ?
>Dr. Behe is coming to West Chester University (PA)
>If you could ask Michael one question, what would it be ?
Why isn't design a bit more obvious?


How then do microbes self-assemble those structures when it's all just
random chemistry anyway?

Note the second is deliberately provocative. I just can't stand the idea
of God as a mechanic who tinkers Rube Goldberg machines in order to show
off. Jesus pointed his disciples to flowers, telling them that God
dresses them in finer robes than Solomon. That sort of Divine
involvement seems more like God than Behe's Cosmic Engineer, who seems
more like Fred Hoyle's Cosmic Architect than the God of Abraham, Isaac
and Jacob.


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