One item that I wish to clarify from my original post: of course, Dr.
Behe has a clearly theistic message to bring, but the organization that
sponsors the series of lectures doesn't. He is included among
historians, sociologists, artists of various "flavors" in the year- long
lecture series. The "lecture series" itself is not "Christian" (of
course neither is the University as a whole).
The situation is wonderful - a theist taking his place among other voices
in the "public square."
One question that I will ask Dr. Behe, if I can, is in the area of his
relationship with the Young Earth proponents. My sense is that YEC
spokesmen are cool at best. They see his arguments as nothing new
(William Paley with modern technology), and his OE and common decent
positions much too accommodationist. A little to the "left" of Hugh
Ross, whom they don't get along with very well.
Another question is whether he visualizes the IDer acting periodically
throughout time (a la Ross) or whether the information for future complex
systems was in the original created life forms.