Re: What would you ask ?
Moorad Alexanian (alexanian@UNCWIL.EDU)
Wed, 07 Oct 1998 14:11:38 -0500 (EST)
At 07:55 AM 10/7/98 -0500, McCarrick, Allan wrote:
>Dr. Behe is coming to West Chester University (PA) November 4. (He is
>included monthly lecture series with no Christian ideology. I believe
>that he was suggested to the selection committee by the university's
>Intervarsity chapter.) I may get to interview him for the Newsletter.
>If you could ask Michael one question, what would it be ?
>Al McCarrick
I believe Behe makes the argument against the appearance of complexity
plausible but he has no real proof. How sure is he that such complex systems
cannot arise by pure unaided, evolutionary means?
Moorad Alexanian