> A "Back to Genesis" seminar is being held locally. In addition to prayer,
> is there any approach to correction that is likely to be fruitful? I have
> attended a debate featuring one of the speakers, and the brochure suggests
> other likely problems in their arguments, so I know what many of the issues
> are. Are there particular ways to better convey concern for truth rather
> than opposition?
You could try to give a seminar of your own. Talk to whoever arranged the
local details of the ICR seminar --- reserved a location, did the
publicity, etc. Ask him/her/them if they'd be willing to sponsor another
seminar a month or two later (in the same location with the same amount
of publicity if possible), a seminar which examines the scientific
data, celebrates the Creator's handiwork, and explains why
biological evolution and sound Christian theology do not conflict.
Of course, then you've got to be willing to *give* such a seminar
(or arrange for another speaker)....
Loren Haarsma