Looking for a Society for Neuroscience Speaker

Bill Struthers (U60376@UICVM.UIC.EDU)
Tue, 25 Aug 98 12:55:04 CDT

Greetings everyone,

The Neuroscience Christian Fellowship is planning a get together at this year's
SFN meeting in Los Angeles and is looking for a speaker for their meeting.
We will be meeting on Monday (11/9) from 11:30-1PM in room 505 of the LA
Convention Center. I've been in touch with Ken Dormer, the contact person and
he has asked for some candidates to speak, preferrably someone who will already
be there. Any ideas or suggestions? It would also be an excellent time and
place to get ASA more exposure, so any comments that you might have would be
greatly appreciated.

In Christ,
Bill Struthers
Psychology Dept/Univ. of Ill. at Chicago
Instructor in Psychology/Wheaton College